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Remote Patent Application Interviews Available March 1, 2022


An effective interview can expedite the patent examination process. However, applicants may not always be available to be interviewed at TIPO in person or join video interviews at TIPO service centers. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has thus amended the sixth point of the "Operation Directions of TIPO, MOEA for Patent Interviews" and implemented the new measure of Remote Video Interviews for Patent Applications on March 1, 2022. Applicants and patent agents are able to select a remote location to conduct trilateral video interviews at their convenience. For example, a video interview can still be held when the patent applicant is in Japan, the agent at their own office in Taiwan, and the examiner at TIPO. This measure applies to patent application and reexamination cases but does not apply to invalidation cases.

  • Publish Date : 2022-03-17
  • Update : 2022-03-17
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 1162

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