The website has been designed with accessibility in mind, and uses Accesskeys to make browsing more convenient. The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follow:
Note: Use Alt for Internet Explorer accesskeys, and Shift+Alt for Firefox.
The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follows:
- Alt+U:Upper block, containing the links to the services of this site, search box, font size setting and versions of this site.
- Alt+C:Center block, providing the principal information of the page.
- Alt+Z:Bottom block, providing the principal information of the page.
- Alt+S:Search box in every page for searching this site.
← → or↑↓ : Left-right or up and down keys to move the tab order.
Home or End→ : Can directly jump to label the first or last.
Tab : Stay on the label, you can use Tab to browse the contents of that data, when faced with the radio buttons ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move the order of items .
Tab + Shift : Press Tab + Shift to jump back on the amount of information; when you jump back to label the project can continue to use the ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move the tab order.
- 1.Topics
- 1.1.Patents
- 1.1.1.News
- 1.1.2.Laws & Regulations
- 1.1.3.View Fee Schedule
- 1.1.4.Patent Examination and Administrative Remedy
- 1.1.5.Accelerated Examination Program (AEP)
- 1.1.6.Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)
- 1.1.7.TW-Support Using the PPH Agreement (TW-SUPA)
- 1.1.8.Bio-Materials Patent Service
- 1.1.9.Collective Interviews Program for Relevant
- 1.1.10.Multimedia
- 1.1.11.FAQs
- 1.1.12.Links
- 1.2.Trademarks
- 1.3.Copyright
- 1.4.Trade Secrets
- 1.5.Integrated Circuit Layout
- 1.6.Taiwan Innotech Expo
- 1.7.IPR Action Plan
- 1.8.National Invention & Creation Award
- 1.9.World IP Day
- 1.1.Patents
- 2.Services
- 3.News
- 4.International Cooperation
- 5.About Us
- 6.Resources