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TIPO Encourages Businesses to Utilize iPKM for Greater Innovation & R&D


TIPO released the Industrial Patent Knowledge Platform (“iPKM”) in 2017 to help SMEs in Taiwan develop capacities for R&D and innovation. The site offers a variety of information and smart services, including News, Columns, Patent Trends and Stats, Patent Regimes in Other Countries, Videos, and Recommended Patents, etc.

In particular, iPKM News is further categorized into subtopics like  Intellectual Property News, Events, and Economic & Trade Info, etc. Users can access the latest government information on intellectual property by browsing, subscribing, and searching through iPKM.

iPKM also offers Industry Patent Trends and Recommended Patents, which provides analysis on tech trends and literature on patents to help businesses keep abreast of the latest patent developments across the world.

Since 2018, TIPO has also been promoting the iPKM platform and its use to SMEs in select key industries, helping companies develop a basic understanding of intellectual property and become more familiar with operating and using the platform. As of 2023, a total of 162 businesses have benefitted from these services.

Additionally, TIPO collaborated with the NTU Innovation and Incubation Center and the NTUST Business Incubation Center in 2023 to provide 221 IP consultations to startups. An overview of the benefits that iPKM has provided to businesses that use the platform has been published on TIPO's official website for public reference.

TIPO encourages the public to make use of iPKM and shall continue to provide industry assistance and promote effective use of government platforms and tools. The hope is to bolster patent strategies and technological applications for greater innovation and R&D.


  • Publish Date : 2024-05-01
  • Update : 2024-05-01
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 80

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