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2.2 What is a "collective trademark"?

As the term suggests, a "collective trademark" is a brand commonly used by the members of a group. It could be a farmers' association, a fishermen's association, or other associations that are eligible for filing an application for registration of a collective trademark. All goods or services produced/manufactured or provided by the association members may label the collective trademark to distinguish those goods or services from goods or services produced/manufactured or provided by others. A collective trademark is intrinsically still a trademark. However, the major difference between a collective trademark and a trademark is that a collective trademark is used by the members of a group in connection with goods or services, while a trademark is used by the registrant for identifying his/her own goods or services. (§88;§89, Trademark Act)

  • Publish Date : 2008-04-23
  • Update : 2022-07-25
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 1084

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