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5.3 Will the period for examining a multi-class application be prolonged?

In response to the provisions that allow one application to be designated for use on multiple classes, TIPO has, since January 1, 2002, implemented relevant supporting measures such as the system of multi-class application examination and case classification procedures, with an aim to maintain the examination period at five to seven months. However, as a result of businesses becoming internationalized and diversified, the emergence of new products, and new ways of trading Internet and peripheral goods and services, it takes time for certain goods or services (such as those in the electronic and service industry) to have their nature clarified if they have multiple functions and fall under different industries. Therefore, the time needed to examine a multi-class application may be prolonged depending on the number of the designated goods, the number of the classes, the degree of complexity or the difference in nature of these goods. If available, any specific information provided by the applicant may shorten the time required to investigate the relevant evidence.

  • Publish Date : 2008-04-23
  • Update : 2020-12-07
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 425

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