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May copyrights be transferred?

Copyrights can be divided into moral rights and economic rights. Under the R.O.C. Copyright Act, moral rights belong exclusively to, and are inalienable from, the author. They may not be assigned or inherited. Economic rights, on the other hand, may be assigned to others in whole or in part, or may be owned jointly with others.

When economic rights are assigned (transferred) to others, the scope of the assignment is as stipulated by the parties. Any rights not clearly covered by such stipulations are presumed to have not been transferred. Therefore, it is recommended that any assignment of economic rights be made explicitly in writing to avoid any later disputes and to ensure that the rights are protected.

  • Publish Date : 2008-04-24
  • Update : 2020-09-09
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 1053

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