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Translation Requirements for XML Serialization have been Relaxed in Compliance with WIPO ST.26 Standards – With the Changes Effective Immediately

TIPO has implemented the WIPO ST.26 standard since August 1, 2022. In order to enhance the convenience of preparing Chinese translations of XML sequences and expedite the application process, we have relaxed the Chinese translation requirements for XML sequences, effective immediately. Only the invention title, applicant, and inventors need to be translated into Chinese. Other specific limited term contents are no longer required to be translated. For applications notified by TIPO of any missing Chinese translations in the XML sequence, if they meet the criteria of the relaxed requirements, they will also be applicable for the changes.

TIPO suggests that patent applications in languages other than Chinese, which include nucleotide or amino acid sequences, should also include a separate XML English sequence listing. This recommendation aims to facilitate the identification of the date on which the necessary documentation is complete and the following examination. The Implementation of WIPO ST.26 Standard Q&A had been revised accordingly.

  • Publish Date : 2023-05-26
  • Update : 2023-05-26
  • Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
  • Visitors : 287

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