Patent Information on Commercially Available COVID-19 Vaccines
Currently, commercially available COVID-19 vaccines on the international market include mRNA vaccines (e.g., BNT162b2 developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and mRNA-1273 developed by Moderna) and recombinant viral vector vaccines (e.g., JNJ-78436735 developed by Johnson & Johnson and AZD1222 developed by AstraZeneca/Oxford). TIPO obtained patent information publicly available online regarding the aforementioned vaccines and cross-referenced it with Taiwanese patents held by the developers. A table was then compiled with invention patent information regarding the above vaccines for public reference.
Any questions should be directed to Section Chief Lin Yi-Ping (Patent Division II Section V, TIPO) at TEL: (02)2376-5343.
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- Publish Date : 2022-11-09
- Update : 2022-11-09
- Organization : International Legal Affairs Office
- Visitors : 497