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Information on Practicing Trademark Agents

  1. If you are looking for the information of trademark agents, you can find relevant trademark agents and the status of each case handled by them through the following path: Trademark Search System/Trademark Search (by applicant, case number)/Attorney (Chinese Name).
  2. TIPO has organized and published the information of practicing trademark agents on this website with their consent. The web addresses of the Bar Associations and Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Associations are also provided for reference:
    1. Taiwan Bar Association
    2. Taipei Bar Association
    3. CPA Associations
  3. The one who has been appointed as a trademark agent in 20 or more applications for trademark registration each year in the last 5 years can be listed on this website. TIPO regularly compiles and updates relevant statistics every year, but TIPO does not examine facts concerning qualification or quality of the trademark agents on the list. If relevant information has changed, it is better for the trademark agent to notify TIPO through emails spontaneously. TIPO will update it as soon as possible. If there is any question related to the information on the list, please contact with Mr. Gu with the number 02-23767571, who is going to assist in updating relevant information immediately.
  4. Information on this website includes the names, genders, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and the certificate numbers of trademark agents:
    1. Personal data of trademark agents listed on this website are collected by TIPO based on specific purposes of IPR administration. According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, trademark agents can make an inquiry of, review, request a copy of, supplement or correct, and demand the cessation of the collection, processing or use of his/her personal data. When it is necessary, the trademark agent can also request TIPO to erase his/her personal data, unless the processing or use is necessary for the performance of the official duty.
    2. The column of the “certificate number” includes (1) the number of the certificate issued after passing the qualified threshold of the “Proficiency Certification for IPR Practitioners” held by TIPO and TIPA; (2) the number of the attorney’s certificate or the CPA certificate. Whoever wants to refer to the information of trademark agents published on the website should keep an eye on whether the certificate is still valid.

Annotation: The sequence of trademark agents on the list is arranged randomly. Depending on your need, you can click on the “Query” icon and key in the information like the address, name of the law firm, name, etc. in relevant columns to proceed the search according to the county or city where you live.

No. Identity Type Registration Number Office Name Name Address Tel. Notes
121 WANG REN JUN 11F, No. 100 Songren Rd,Xinyi Dist,Taipei City,110,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27814111#839
122 LIANG,ZHI-JIAN 2F, No. 18, Ln 25, Ln 90, Sec 6, Minquan East Rd, Neihu Dist, Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27385233
123 LIAO NIAN QI 2F, No. 525, Dadun 11th Street,Nantun Dist,Taichung City,408,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4-23860898
124 SU LÜ BAO ZHU 12F-4, No. 666, Sec 2, Wuquan West Rd,Nantun Dist,Taichung City,408,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4-23860999#50
125 LU ZONG HUI No. 20 Baosheng Rd,Fengshan Dist,Kaohsiung City,830,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-7-7928485
126 QIU JI JUN 9F, No. 276, Sec 2, Xinbei Avenue,Xinzhuang Dist,New Taipei City,242,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-85215128
127 LI TAI YUN 5F, No. 10-3, Sec 2, Shuangshi Rd, Banqiao Dist, New Taipei City 220, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27136110
128 LI XUE ZHONG 3F, No. 86, Ningbo West Street,Zhongzheng Dist,Taipei City,100,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-23955033
129 LIN ZI QING 11F, No. 151, Sec 2, Heping East Rd,Da'an Dist,Taipei City,106,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27002269#15
130 HUANG GUO LIANG 9F-1, No. 202, Sec 5, Nanjing East Rd,Songshan Dist,Taipei City,105,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27483030
131 GUO XIN YI Room 4G08, 4F, No. 5, Sec 5, Xinyi Rd,Xinyi Dist,Taipei City,110,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27208048
132 LI DE AN 7F-1, No. 93, Dashun 1st Rd,Zuoying Dist,Kaohsiung City,813,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-7-5566998
133 HE JI ZHEN 12F, No. 1, Sec 2, Dunhua South Rd,Da'an Dist,Taipei City,106,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27099663
134 LIU DE XIN 7F-7, No. 153, Sec 2, Qinghai Rd,Xitun Dist,Taichung City,407,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-4-24511516#30
135 CHEN MEI YUN 4F, No. 168 Yongji Rd,Xinyi Dist,Taipei City,110,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-87872799#27
136 SUN XIAO LI 5F-1, No. 8, Sec 3, Shuangshi Rd, Banqiao Dist, New Taipei City 220, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-29596686
137 SHAO XI ZHEN 12F, No. 107, Sec 2, Roosevelt Rd,Da'an Dist,Taipei City,106,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-23643566#209
138 WANG YU LONG 6F-1, No. 279, Sec 4, Xinyi Rd,Da'an Dist,Taipei City,106,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27044943
139 ZHANG ZHONG ZHOU 2F, No. 31 Avenue,Xinyi Dist,Taipei City,110,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-2-27893700
140 YANG SHENG FAN 14F, No. 10, Mingcheng 4th Rd,Gushan Dist,Kaohsiung City,804,Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-7-5500058

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