- 15.1 How long does it take for a trademark registration to be approved?International Legal Affairs Office
- 25.10 Can different people acquire the registration of an identical trademark in different countries?International Legal Affairs Office
- 35.11 How to disclaim the exclusive right of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 45.12 Can the particulars of a trademark be changed while the trademark application is in progress?International Legal Affairs Office
- 55.13 Can a trademark application be assigned to another person? What steps need to be taken if the applicant's company name or its organization changes?International Legal Affairs Office
- 65.14 Why the goods or services designated for a trademark application cannot be changed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 75.15 Does the applicant of a trademark application have an opportunity to be heard during the trademark application proceeding?International Legal Affairs Office
- 85.16 What remedies can be taken if a trademark application is rejected?International Legal Affairs Office
- 95.2 What are the advantages of a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 105.3 Will the period for examining a multi-class application be prolonged?International Legal Affairs Office
- 115.4 How to acquire the filing date of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 125.5 How to claim trademark priority.International Legal Affairs Office
- 135.6 Can multiple priorities be made for a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 145.7 What is the difference between a trademark and the name of a company or a firm?International Legal Affairs Office
- 155.8 Can the symbol "R" referring to a registered mark or "TM" standing for a trademark be included in a trademark sought to be registered?International Legal Affairs Office
- 165.9 Can different people file applications for registration of an identical trademark for different goods or services?International Legal Affairs Office