專利 Patent
編號 | 中文 Chinese | 英文 English |
1 | 工業品外觀設計國際註冊海牙協定 | Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs |
2 | 不明瞭記載之釋明 | clarify ambiguous statements |
3 | 中華民國專利資訊檢索系統 | Taiwan Patent Search System |
4 | 公告 | publish |
5 | 分割 | division |
6 | 巴黎公約 | Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property |
7 | 代理人 | agent |
8 | 可回復之法律上利益 | recoverable legal interests |
9 | 可據以實現 | enablement |
10 | 生物材料 | biological material |
11 | 生物材料寄存 | Deposit of Biological Material |
12 | 申復 | file a response |
13 | 申請日 | filing date |
14 | 申請書 | application form |
15 | 申請專利範圍;專利請求項 | claim(s) |
16 | 申請發明專利 | application for invention patent |
17 | 申請費 | application fee |
18 | 仲裁 | arbitration |
19 | 先申請原則 | first to file principle |
20 | 先申請案 | earlier patent application |
21 | 再審查 | reexamination |
22 | 合併審定 | examination decisions shall be jointly rendered |
23 | 合併審查 | examination shall be consolidated |
24 | 合理之權利金 | reasonable royalty |
25 | 行政救濟 | administrative remedy |
26 | 形式審查 | formality examination |
27 | 改請 | conversion |
28 | 更正 | post-grant amendment |
29 | 依職權通知 | notify on patent authority's own initiative |
30 | 受雇人 | employee |
31 | 受讓人 | assignee |
32 | 姓名表示權 | the inventor's right to be indicated |
33 | 所屬技術領域中具有通常知識者 | a person having ordinary skill in the art |
34 | 拋棄 | abandonment |
35 | 拋棄專利權 | abandon the patent right |
36 | 明確且充分揭露 | fully disclose in a clear and sufficient manner |
37 | (法院)判決 | court judgment |
38 | 法定期間 | statutory period |
39 | 近似之設計 | similar design |
40 | 侵害專利鑑定專業機構 | specialized institution(s) to conduct patent infringement assessment |
41 | 指定期間 | specified period |
42 | 為販賣之要約 | offering for sale |
43 | 衍生設計專利 | derivative design patent |
44 | 重複專利 | double patenting |
45 | 面詢 | interview |
46 | 海關配合執行專利及著作權益保護措施作業要點 | Operational Directions for Customs Authorities in Implementing Measures for Protecting the Rights and Interests of Patent and Copyright |
47 | 消滅 | extinguishment |
48 | 勘驗 | (carry out) inspection |
49 | 商業上之實施 | commercially exploited |
50 | 國防機密 | national defense secrets |
51 | 國際承認用於專利程序的微生物保存布達佩斯條約 | Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure |
52 | 國際專利分類 | International Patent Classification (IPC) |
53 | 寄存機構 | depository |
54 | 專利公報 | Patent Gazette |
55 | 專利代理人 | patent agent |
56 | 專利以外文本申請實施辦法 | Regulations Governing Submission of Foreign Language Application Documents |
57 | 專利申請書 | patent application form |
58 | 專利申請權 | right to apply for a patent |
59 | 專利申請權人 | the owner of the right to apply for a patent |
60 | 專利申請權共有人 | the joint owner of the right to apply for a patent |
61 | 專利合作條約 | Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) |
62 | 專利年費 | patent annuity |
63 | 專利年費減免辦法 | Regulations for Reduction and Exemption of Patent Annuities |
64 | 專利法 | Patent Act |
65 | 專利法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act |
66 | 專利要件 | patentability |
67 | 專利師 | patent attorney |
69 | 專利案面詢作業要點 | Guidelines for Patent Interviews |
70 | 專利商品化網站 | TIPO patent commercialization website |
71 | 專利商標代理人義務諮詢服務台 | Patent and Trademark Representative Consultation Desk |
72 | 專利專責機關 | patent authority |
73 | 專利授權 | patent licensing |
74 | 專利電子申請及電子送達實施辦法 | Regulations Governing the Implementation of Filing Patent Applications and Services by Electronic Means |
75 | 專利審定書 | written decision of patent examination |
76 | 專利審查人員;專利審查官 | patent examiner |
78 | 專利審查官資格條例 | Patent Examiner Qualification Act |
80 | 專利檢索 | patent search |
81 | 專利檢索報告 | patent search report |
82 | 專利舉發理由書 | ground for patent invalidation |
83 | 專利簡易業務快辦服務台(中心) | Patent Express Service Center |
84 | 專利證書 | patent certificate |
85 | 專利證書費 | patent certificate fee |
86 | 專利證書號數 | patent certificate number |
87 | 專利權 | patent right |
89 | 專利權人 | patentee |
90 | 專利權延長 | extension of patent term |
91 | 專利權期間 | patent term |
92 | 專利權期間延長 | patent term extension |
93 | 專利權簿 | Patent Registry |
94 | 專利權讓與 | patent assignment |
95 | 專屬之被授權人 | exclusive licensee |
96 | 強制授權 | compulsory licensing |
97 | 異議人 | opposition requester |
98 | 被授權人 | licensee |
99 | 設計人 | designer |
100 | 設計專利 | design patent |
101 | 最後通知 | final notice |
102 | 發明人 | inventor |
103 | 發明專利 | invention patent |
104 | 答辯 | provide a response |
105 | 雇用人 | employer |
106 | 損害賠償 | compensation for damages |
107 | 新型專利 | utility model patent |
108 | 新型專利技術報告 | technical evaluation report for utility model patent |
109 | 新型創作人 | utility model creator |
110 | 補償金 | compensation; remuneration |
111 | 圖式 | drawings |
112 | 實質擴大 | substantially enlarge |
113 | 實體審查 | substantive examination |
114 | 摘要 | abstract |
115 | 撤回 | withdrawal |
116 | 撤銷確定 | the invalidation decision revoking the patent has become final and binding |
117 | 與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 | Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) |
118 | 誤記之訂正 | correct errors |
119 | 誤譯之訂正 | correction of translation errors |
120 | 說明書 | description |
121 | 說明書所支持 | supported by the description |
122 | 遠距視訊面詢 | remote (video) interviews |
123 | 審查意見通知函 | office action |
124 | 廣義發明概念 | general inventive concept |
125 | 標準必要專利 | Standard Essential Patent |
126 | 模型 | model |
127 | 樣品 | sample |
128 | 歐洲專利公約 | European Patent Convention (EPC) |
130 | 調解 | meditation |
131 | 質權 | pledge |
132 | 質權人 | pledgee |
133 | 優先權 | priority |
134 | 優先權日 | priority date |
135 | 舉發 | invalidation |
136 | 舉發人 | invalidation requester |
137 | 證人 | witness |
138 | 證書費 | certificate fee |
139 | 繼承;得繼承 | inherit (v.), inheritable (adj.) |
140 | 繼承人 | successor |
141 | 鑑定人 | expert witness |
142 | 變更 | alter |
143 | 讓與;得讓與 | assign (v.), assignable (adj.) |
商標 Trademarks
編號 | 中文 Chinese | 英文 English |
1 | 一般商業交易習慣 | general commercial practices |
2 | 大陸地區人民在臺申請專利及商標註冊作業要點 | Guidelines governing the Application for Patent and Trademark Registrations in Taiwan by Mainland Chinese People |
3 | 分割 | division of registration |
4 | 反網域名稱搶註消費者保護法 | Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) |
5 | 手勢商標 | gesture mark |
6 | 申請日 | filing date |
7 | 全像圖商標(雷射商標) | hologram trademark |
8 | 再授權 | sub-license |
9 | 回復原狀 | restoration to status quo ante |
10 | 地理標示 | geographical indication (GI) |
11 | 多媒體商標 | multimedia trademark |
12 | 有致公眾誤認誤信 | likely to mislead the public |
13 | 位置商標 | position trademark |
14 | 更正 | correction |
15 | 使用聲明之修正 | amendment to allege use (AAU) |
16 | 使用證據 | proof of use |
17 | 來源地標示(原產地標示) | indication of source |
18 | 具有識別性之標識 | any sign with distinctiveness |
19 | 取得識別性、後天識別性 | acquired distinctiveness |
20 | 受保護原產地名稱 | protected designation of origin (PDO) |
21 | 味道(味覺)商標 | taste trademark |
22 | 延展註冊 | renewal of registration |
23 | 延展註冊費 | the renewal fee |
24 | 法定期間 | statutory period |
25 | 非專屬授權 | non-exclusive license |
26 | 非傳統商標 | non-traditional marks |
27 | 非傳統商標審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Non-traditional Trademarks |
28 | 保護原產地名稱及其國際註冊之里斯本協定(里斯本協定) | Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (Lisbon Agreement) |
29 | 建立商標圖形要素國際分類維也納協定(維也納分類) | Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (Vienna Classification) |
30 | 指定使用之商品或服務 | designated goods or services |
31 | 指定期間 | specified period |
32 | 查扣 | detention |
33 | 相對事由 | relative ground |
34 | 原產地名稱 | appellation of origin |
35 | 展覽會優先權 | exhibition priority |
36 | 核准審定 | disposition of acceptance |
37 | 核駁審定 | disposition of refusal |
38 | 氣味商標(嗅覺商標) | scent trademark (olfactory/smell trademark) |
39 | 海關查扣侵害商標權物品實施辦法 | Implementation Regulations for Customs to Detain Articles Infringing the Rights in the Trademark |
40 | 海關執行商標權益保護措施實施辦法 | Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark |
41 | 馬德里協定有關議定書(馬德里議定書) | Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement |
42 | 馬德里體系(關於商標國際註冊馬德里協定及馬德里議定書) | Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks and Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement (Madrid System) |
43 | 動態商標 | motion trademark |
44 | 商品及服務分類暨相互檢索參考資料 | Classification and Cross Reference Index for Goods and Services |
45 | 商品或服務之分割 | division of the designated goods or services |
46 | 商標 | trademark |
47 | 商標公報 | Trademark Official Gazette |
48 | 商標代理人(商標律師) | trademark agent (trademark attorney) |
49 | 商標共有 | trademark co-ownership |
50 | 商標妨害公共秩序或善良風俗審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Trademark being Contrary to Public Policy or Accepted Principles of Morality |
51 | 商標使用 | use of a trademark |
52 | 商標法 | Trademark Act |
53 | 商標法利害關係人認定要點 | Guidelines for Determining an Interested Party under the Trademark Act |
54 | 商標法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act |
55 | 商標法國際條約 | Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) |
56 | 商標法第30條第1項第11款著名商標保護審查基準 | Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks under subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Trademark Act |
57 | 商標法新加坡國際條約 | Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks |
58 | 商標爭議案件申請及答辯注意事項 | Notice on Application and Response for Trademark Dispute Cases |
59 | 商標爭議案件聽證作業要點 | Guidelines on Hearing Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases |
60 | 商標爭議案審查流程注意事項 | Notice on the Examination Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases |
61 | 商標的拋棄 | abandonment of a trademark |
62 | 商標真實使用 | genuine use of the trademark |
63 | 商標國際註冊馬德里協定(馬德里協定) | Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks |
64 | 商標專責機關 | the Trademark Registrar Office |
65 | 商標淡化(減損) | trademark dilution |
66 | 商標異議 | trademark opposition |
67 | 商標規費收費標準 | Standards of Trademark Fees |
68 | 商標設質 | trademarkt pledge |
69 | 商標註冊用商品與服務國際分類尼斯協定(尼斯分類) | Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) |
70 | 商標註冊簿 | the Trademark Register |
71 | 商標註冊證 | trademark certificate |
72 | 商標評定 | trademark invalidation |
73 | 商標搶註(商標蟑螂) | trademark squatting (trademark squatter) |
74 | 商標電子申請及電子送達實施辦法 | Regulations Governing the Implementation of Filing Trademark Applications and Services by Electronic Means |
75 | 商標圖樣 | trademark representation |
76 | 商標審查人員提請評定作業要點 | Guidelines on Submitting a Proposal for Invalidation of a Trademark Registration by Trademark Examiners |
77 | 商標審查官 | trademark examiner |
78 | 商標審查官資格條例 | Trademark Examiner Qualification Act |
79 | 商標廢止 | trademark revocation |
80 | 商標閱卷及影印作業要點 | Guidelines for Reviewing, Copying or Duplicating Archive and Information of Trademark Applications |
81 | 商標識別性 | trademark distinctiveness |
82 | 商標識別性審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks |
83 | 商標權 | trademark right |
84 | 商標權消滅 | extinguishment of a trademark right |
85 | 商標權移轉 | transfer of trademark right |
86 | 商標鑑定案件作業程序 | Guidelines for Trademark Advisory Opinion Cases |
87 | 商譽 | goodwill |
88 | 專屬授權 | exclusive license |
89 | 授權 | license |
90 | 混淆誤認之虞 | likelihood of confusion |
91 | 混淆誤認之虞審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on "Likelihood of Confusion" |
92 | 產地團體商標 | geographical collective trademark |
93 | 產地證明標章 | geographical cerification mark |
94 | 第二意義 | secondary meaning |
95 | 通用名稱或標章 | generic term or mark |
96 | 減損著名商標識別性跟信譽 | dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the well-known trademark |
97 | 絕對事由 | absolute ground |
98 | 著名商標 | well-known trademarks |
99 | 註冊商標使用之注意事項 | Notice on the Use of Registered Trademarks |
100 | 註冊費 | registration fee |
101 | 零售服務審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Retail Services |
102 | 團體商標 | collective trademark |
103 | 團體商標使用規範書 | regulations governing the use of the collective trademark |
104 | 團體標章 | collective membership mark |
105 | 團體標章使用規範書 | regulations governing the use of the collective mark |
106 | 撤銷註冊 | cancellation of registration |
107 | 網域名稱 | domain name |
108 | 與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 | Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) |
109 | 審定核駁理由先行通知實施要點 | Guidelines for Advance Notices of Reasons for Disapproving Trademark Applications |
110 | 暫不放行措施 | suspension of the release |
111 | 優先權 | priority right |
112 | 營業包裝 | trade dress |
113 | 聲明不專用 | disclaimer |
114 | 聲明不專用審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Disclaimers |
115 | 證明標章 | certification mark |
116 | 證明標章、團體商標及團體標章審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks, Collective Trademarks and Collective Membership Marks |
117 | 證明標章使用規範書 | regulations governing the use of the certification mark |
118 | 觸覺商標(材質商標) | touch trademark (texture trademark) |
119 | 變更 | change |
著作權 Copyright
編號 | 中文 Chinese | 英文 English |
1 | 公眾 | the public |
2 | 公開上映 | public presentation |
3 | 公開上映權 | right of public presentation |
4 | 公開口述 | public recitation |
5 | 公開口述權 | right of public recitation |
6 | 公開展示 | public display |
7 | 公開展示權 | right of public display |
8 | 公開發表 | public release |
9 | 公開傳輸 | public transmission |
10 | 公開傳輸權 | right of public transmission |
11 | 公開演出 | public performance |
12 | 公開演出權 | right of public performance |
13 | 公開播送 | public broadcast |
14 | 公開播送權 | right of public broadcast |
15 | 文化創意產業發展法 | Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act |
16 | 世界智慧財產權組織表演及錄音物國際條約 | WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) |
17 | 世界智慧財產權組織著作權國際條約 | WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) |
18 | 世界著作權公約 | Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) |
19 | 出租權 | rental right |
20 | 北美事務協調委員會與美國在台協會著作權保護協定 | Agreement for the Protection of Copyright between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan |
21 | 平行輸入貨品 | parallel imported goods |
22 | 正版 | copyrighted edition |
23 | 共同使用報酬率(共同費率) | joint royalty rate/joint tariff |
24 | 共同著作 | joint work |
25 | 合理使用 | fair use |
26 | 有關衛星傳送節目載波訊號散布之布魯塞爾公約 | Brussels Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme–Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite (Brussels Convention) |
27 | 利用人 | user |
28 | 快速存取服務提供者 | caching service provider |
30 | 改作 | adaptation |
31 | 防盜拷措施 | technological protection measures |
32 | 使用清單 | record of use |
33 | 使用報酬率(費率) | royalty rate/tariff |
34 | 使用報酬率(費率)審議 | royalty rate review/tariff review |
35 | 孤兒著作 | orphan work |
36 | 社團法人中華有聲出版錄音著作權管理協會 | Recording Copyright and Publications Administrative Society of Chinese Taipei (RPAT) |
37 | 社團法人中華音樂著作權協會 | Music Copyright Society of Chinese Taipei (MUST) |
38 | 社團法人台灣音樂著作權集體管理協會 | Taiwan Music Collective Management Association(TMCA) |
39 | 社團法人台灣錄音著作權人協會 | Association of Recording Copyright Owners of Taiwan (ARCO) |
40 | 社團法人亞太音樂集體管理協會 | Asia-Pacific Music Collective Management Association(ACMA) |
41 | 表演 | performance |
42 | 非專屬授權之被授權人 | non-exclusive licensee |
43 | 保護文學及藝術著作之伯恩公約 | Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Berne Convention) |
44 | 保護表演、錄音物製作人暨廣播機構之羅馬公約 | International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (Rome Convention) |
45 | 保護錄音物製作人對抗未經授權重製其錄音物之日內瓦公約 | Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms (Phonograms Convention) |
46 | 建築著作 | architectural works |
47 | 美術著作 | artistic works |
48 | 衍生著作 | derivative work |
49 | 重製 | reproduce |
50 | 重製權 | right of reproduce |
51 | 音樂著作 | musical works |
52 | 音樂著作強制授權申請許可及使用報酬辦法 | Regulations governing Application for Approval of Compulsory License of Musical Works and Royalties for Use Thereof |
53 | 個別授權契約 | individual license agreement |
54 | 原件 | the original or an original |
55 | 海關查扣著作權或製版權侵害物實施辦法 | Implementation Regulations for Suspension of Release of Goods Infringing on Copyright or Plate Rights by Customs Authorities |
56 | 專屬授權 | exclusive license |
57 | 專屬授權之被授權人 | exclusive licensee |
58 | 強制授權 | compulsory licensing |
59 | 連線服務提供者 | connection service provider |
60 | 創用CC | Creative Commons |
61 | 單一窗口 | one-stop shop |
63 | 散布 | distribution |
64 | 發行 | publication |
65 | 著作 | work |
66 | 著作人 | author |
67 | 著作人格權 | moral rights |
68 | 著作財產權 | economic rights |
69 | 著作財產權人不明著作利用之許可授權及使用報酬辦法 | Regulations governing Application for Approval of License of Works of Unknown Owner of Copyrights and Royalties for Use Thereof |
70 | 著作財產權人不明著作利用許可申請規費收費準則 | Regulations for Application Fee concerning Licensing of Works for the Use of Works of Unknown Owner of Copyrights |
71 | 著作財產權質權各項登記規費收費準則 | Regulations for Application Fee concerning Registration of Pledges of Copyright |
72 | 著作財產權質權登記暨查閱辦法 | Regulations governing Registration and Review of Pledges of Copyright |
73 | 著作權 | copyright |
74 | 著作權法 | Copyright Act |
75 | 著作權法第八十七條之一第一項第二款及第三款之一定數量 | The Certain Amount in subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 87 bis of the Copyright Act |
76 | 著作權法第八十條之二第三項各款內容認定要點 | Directions Defining the Content of the subparagraphs of paragraph 3 of Article 80-2 of the Copyright Act |
77 | 著作權法第五條第一項各款著作內容例示 | The Illustrated Contents of Each Kind of Works in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Copyright Act |
78 | 著作權法第四十七條第四項之使用報酬率 | Standards for Compensation for Fair Use of Works in paragraph 4 of Article 47 of the Copyright Act |
79 | 著作權爭議調解辦法 | Regulations of Copyright Dispute Mediation |
80 | 著作權相關案件規費收費標準 | Standards for Application Fees Related to Copyright Affairs |
81 | 著作權集體管理團體 | Copyright Collective Management Organization (CMO) |
83 | 著作權集體管理團體之申請設立許可各類著作發起人最低人數 | The Minimum Number of Promoters Required for Various Categories of Works in Applying for Permission to Establish a Copyright Collective Management Organization |
84 | 著作權集體管理團體條例(修正前:著作權仲介團體條例) | Copyright Collective Management Organization Act (Before amendment: Copyright Intermediary Organization Act) |
85 | 著作權集體管理團體規費收費準則 | Regulations for Copyright Collective Management Organization Fees |
86 | 著作權審議及調解委員會 | Copyright Review and Mediation Committee |
87 | 視聽著作 | audiovisual works |
88 | 集管團體管理之全部著作 | repertoire |
89 | 搜尋服務提供者 | search service provider |
90 | 概括授權契約 | blanket license agreement |
91 | 經濟部智慧財產局著作權審議及調解委員會組織規程 | Organization Regulations for the Copyright Review and Mediation Committee of the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs |
92 | 資訊儲存服務提供者 | information storage service provider |
93 | 電腦程式著作 | computer programs |
94 | 圖形著作 | pictorial and graphical works |
95 | 管理契約 | management aggrement |
96 | 管理費 | management fees |
97 | 網路服務提供者 | internet service provider |
98 | 網路服務提供者民事免責事由實施辦法 | Regulations governing Implementation of ISP Civil Liability Exemption |
99 | 製版權 | plate right |
100 | 製版權登記辦法 | Regulations governing Registration of Plate Rights |
101 | 語言著作 | oral and literary works |
102 | 編輯著作 | compilation work |
103 | 質權 / 著作權設質 | pledge / copyright pledge |
104 | 錄音著作 | sound recordings |
105 | 戲劇、舞蹈著作 | dramatic and choreographic works |
106 | 關於為盲人、視力障礙者或其他印刷品閱讀障礙者獲得已出版作品提供便利的馬拉喀什國際條約 | Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (Marrakesh Treaty) |
107 | 攝影著作 | photographic works |
108 | 權利管理電子資訊 | electronic rights management information |
營業秘密 Trade Secrets
編號 | 中文 Chinese | 英文 English |
1 | 美國經濟間諜法 | The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 |
2 | 國家安全法 | National Security Act |
3 | 智慧財產案件審理法 | Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act |
4 | 營業秘密法 | Trade Secrets Act |
5 | 證人保護法 | Witness Protection Act |
積體電路布局 Integrated Circuit Layout
編號 | 中文 Chinese | 英文 English |
1 | 電路布局 | Circuit Layouts |
2 | 電路布局權 | Rights in Circuit Layouts |
3 | 積體電路 | Integrated Circuit |
4 | 積體電路電路布局保護法 | Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act |
5 | 積體電路電路布局保護法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act |
6 | 積體電路電路布局規費收費準則 | Rules for Integrated Circuit Layout Fees |
7 | 積體電路電路布局鑑定暨調解委員會設置辦法 | Rules Governing Assessment and Mediation Committee for Integrated Circuit Layout |
- 發布日期 : 111-12-05
- 更新日期 : 111-12-07
- 發布單位 : 資訊室
- 瀏覽人次 : 19202