- 11.1 Purposes of Trademark ProtectionInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 21.2 Basic Principles of the Trademark ActInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 31.3 Differences between Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property RightsInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 41.4 Trademark Application and Appeal ProcessInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 52.1 What is a “trademark”?International Legal Affairs Office
- 62.2 What is a "collective trademark"?International Legal Affairs Office
- 72.3 What is a "collective membership mark"?International Legal Affairs Office
- 82.4 What is a “certification mark”?International Legal Affairs Office
- 93.1 With whom shall a trademark application be filed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 103.10 How to design a trademark to attract consumers’ attention.International Legal Affairs Office
- 113.11 Tips for designing a trademark to ensure its registrationInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 123.2 How to file a trademark application.International Legal Affairs Office
- 133.3 Is there a standard form for trademark applications? Where can one obtain the application form?International Legal Affairs Office
- 143.4 Who is eligible to file a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 153.5 Is it required to appoint a trademark agent to file a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 163.6 How is the representation of a trademark in an application prepared?International Legal Affairs Office
- 173.7 How to fill in the column of the names of goods or services designated for a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 183.8 Is it possible to file a trademark application covering goods that are not specified in the International Classification of Goods?International Legal Affairs Office
- 193.9 Can a Taiwanese general agent of foreign trademarked goods apply for registration of the foreign trademark concerned?International Legal Affairs Office
- 204.1 How should fees be paid?International Legal Affairs Office
- 214.2 Can a fee-refund application be filed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 225.1 How long does it take for a trademark registration to be approved?International Legal Affairs Office
- 235.10 Can different people acquire the registration of an identical trademark in different countries?International Legal Affairs Office
- 245.11 How to disclaim the exclusive right of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 255.12 Can the particulars of a trademark be changed while the trademark application is in progress?International Legal Affairs Office
- 265.13 Can a trademark application be assigned to another person? What steps need to be taken if the applicant's company name or its organization changes?International Legal Affairs Office
- 275.14 Why the goods or services designated for a trademark application cannot be changed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 285.15 Does the applicant of a trademark application have an opportunity to be heard during the trademark application proceeding?International Legal Affairs Office
- 295.16 What remedies can be taken if a trademark application is rejected?International Legal Affairs Office
- 305.2 What are the advantages of a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 315.3 Will the period for examining a multi-class application be prolonged?International Legal Affairs Office
- 325.4 How to acquire the filing date of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 335.5 How to claim trademark priority.International Legal Affairs Office
- 345.6 Can multiple priorities be made for a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 355.7 What is the difference between a trademark and the name of a company or a firm?International Legal Affairs Office
- 365.8 Can the symbol "R" referring to a registered mark or "TM" standing for a trademark be included in a trademark sought to be registered?International Legal Affairs Office
- 375.9 Can different people file applications for registration of an identical trademark for different goods or services?International Legal Affairs Office
- 386.1 What is the meaning of trademark division?International Legal Affairs Office
- 396.2 How to divide a pending trademark application.International Legal Affairs Office
- 406.3 How to divide trademark rights after the trademark has been registered.International Legal Affairs Office