- 11.1 Purposes of Trademark ProtectionInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 21.2 Basic Principles of the Trademark ActInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 31.3 Differences between Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property RightsInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 41.4 Trademark Application and Appeal ProcessInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 52.1 What is a “trademark”?International Legal Affairs Office
- 62.2 What is a "collective trademark"?International Legal Affairs Office
- 72.3 What is a "collective membership mark"?International Legal Affairs Office
- 82.4 What is a “certification mark”?International Legal Affairs Office
- 93.1 With whom shall a trademark application be filed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 103.10 How to design a trademark to attract consumers’ attention.International Legal Affairs Office
- 113.11 Tips for designing a trademark to ensure its registrationInternational Legal Affairs Office
- 123.2 How to file a trademark application.International Legal Affairs Office
- 133.3 Is there a standard form for trademark applications? Where can one obtain the application form?International Legal Affairs Office
- 143.4 Who is eligible to file a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 153.5 Is it required to appoint a trademark agent to file a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 163.6 How is the representation of a trademark in an application prepared?International Legal Affairs Office
- 173.7 How to fill in the column of the names of goods or services designated for a trademark application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 183.8 Is it possible to file a trademark application covering goods that are not specified in the International Classification of Goods?International Legal Affairs Office
- 193.9 Can a Taiwanese general agent of foreign trademarked goods apply for registration of the foreign trademark concerned?International Legal Affairs Office
- 204.1 How should fees be paid?International Legal Affairs Office
- 214.2 Can a fee-refund application be filed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 225.1 How long does it take for a trademark registration to be approved?International Legal Affairs Office
- 235.10 Can different people acquire the registration of an identical trademark in different countries?International Legal Affairs Office
- 245.11 How to disclaim the exclusive right of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 255.12 Can the particulars of a trademark be changed while the trademark application is in progress?International Legal Affairs Office
- 265.13 Can a trademark application be assigned to another person? What steps need to be taken if the applicant's company name or its organization changes?International Legal Affairs Office
- 275.14 Why the goods or services designated for a trademark application cannot be changed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 285.15 Does the applicant of a trademark application have an opportunity to be heard during the trademark application proceeding?International Legal Affairs Office
- 295.16 What remedies can be taken if a trademark application is rejected?International Legal Affairs Office
- 305.2 What are the advantages of a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 315.3 Will the period for examining a multi-class application be prolonged?International Legal Affairs Office
- 325.4 How to acquire the filing date of a trademark.International Legal Affairs Office
- 335.5 How to claim trademark priority.International Legal Affairs Office
- 345.6 Can multiple priorities be made for a multi-class application?International Legal Affairs Office
- 355.7 What is the difference between a trademark and the name of a company or a firm?International Legal Affairs Office
- 365.8 Can the symbol "R" referring to a registered mark or "TM" standing for a trademark be included in a trademark sought to be registered?International Legal Affairs Office
- 375.9 Can different people file applications for registration of an identical trademark for different goods or services?International Legal Affairs Office
- 386.1 What is the meaning of trademark division?International Legal Affairs Office
- 396.2 How to divide a pending trademark application.International Legal Affairs Office
- 406.3 How to divide trademark rights after the trademark has been registered.International Legal Affairs Office
- 417.1 How to acquire trademark registration.International Legal Affairs Office
- 427.2 Can a fee-refund application be filed if the trademark registration is cancelled due to an opposition or invalidation action?International Legal Affairs Office
- 437.3 What steps need to be taken if the information of a trademark right holder changes after the trademark has been registered?International Legal Affairs Office
- 447.4 Can a single application amend the registration particulars of multiple trademarks or marks?International Legal Affairs Office
- 457.5 Is it necessary to apply for recordation of assignment or ownership change if a trademark was originally registered in the name of the responsible person of a business entity or firm and thereafter the responsible person changes?International Legal Affairs Office
- 468.1.1 What should be noted after a trademark has been registered?International Legal Affairs Office
- 478.1.2 How to use a trademark correctly?International Legal Affairs Office
- 488.1.3 What does the identity of a trademark mean?International Legal Affairs Office
- 498.1.4 Whether the use of a trademark can be deemed a use in the ROC where the goods bearing it in the ROC are for exportation only and are not available in the domestic market?International Legal Affairs Office
- 508.1.5 Under what circumstances would a trademark be deemed in use?International Legal Affairs Office
- 518.2.1 Can an application for trademark renewal be filed upon the expiration of the term of trademark rights?International Legal Affairs Office
- 528.2.2 What are the remedies for when an application for renewal of trademark rights fails to be made within the prescribed period?International Legal Affairs Office
- 538.2.3 How to apply for renewal of the term of trademark rights.International Legal Affairs Office
- 548.3.1 When shall an application for recordation of trademark assignment be filed?International Legal Affairs Office
- 558.3.2 Can the recordation of assignment of trademark rights be made after the dissolution of the juristic person has been registered or the registration of the juristic person has been cancelled?International Legal Affairs Office
- 568.3.3 What steps need to be taken when an heir wishes to record the trademark assignment at the death of the trademark right holder? Does the trademark right remain valid if the trademark right holder dies heirless?International Legal Affairs Office
- 578.4.1 How to file an application for recordation of a trademark license?International Legal Affairs Office
- 588.4.2 What steps need to be taken if a licensee desires to sublicense the registered trademark to another party?International Legal Affairs Office
- 598.4.3 Is it necessary for the agent or distributor of the goods bearing a registered trademark to apply for recordation of the license?International Legal Affairs Office
- 608.4.4 Does a trademark license relationship remain in force after an assignment of the trademark has been recorded?International Legal Affairs Office